NEW MOON IN VIRGO (Aug. 29 -Sept. 14.)
It’s time to heal what’s been holding you back.
Every New Moon in Virgo, we find ourselves interested in practical things like clearing out clutter, starting a new health routine, or organizing our finances. But this new moon in Virgo comes after that Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn we had in July, signifying the end of success driven work, and the beginning of heart-centered action. So, every new transit that occurs in the next 6 months (that’s how long it takes lunar eclipses to come to a resolution) will carry that see-saw energy.
We’re not just starting a new health regime; we’re putting real strategies in place to make them stick. We’re not just organizing our finances; we’re looking at how they got so out of hand in the first place. We’re not just making up dreams; we’re acquiring the skills it takes to make them happen.
This New Moon in Virgo in particular, will help you heal what's been holding you back. It is helping you cut your losses and heal situations from your past, so you can show up with dedication and integrity, for the road you are embarking on next.
In short: your dreams aren’t ending; they’re just growing up. And you along with them.
This month, as you de-clutter, re-evaluate and re-organize, make sure you take some time to sit and decompress as well. New moons are all about planting seeds that will grow into abundant fruit. Save your energy for the harvest!
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