Super Flower Blood Moon Eclipse Blog Post

Empowerment Astrology Eclipse


Oh, how I love a good eclipse! ⁣

They always mark the end of an old way of thinking and the beginning of a new way. Eclipses are the solar systems way of cleansing our minds and our spirits. And since this Super Flower Blood Moon eclipse that came in on May 25th sits on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis, it’s here to help us let go of that sometimes fixed Gemini energy of holding onto “what we think is possible” and step into the Sagittarius energy of “infinite possibilities”.⁣

The effects of an eclipse lasts 6 months into the future, basically giving you a preview of who you will become once that eclipse has run its’ course. This makes perfect sense, as we are leaving behind the effects of 2020, where there was so much confusion regarding the pandemic and social distancing, that we had to stick with cold, hard information to guide us. With this eclipse in Sagittarius, the world is opening up again, and we are free to experience things rather than just read about them in books or online. Expect your brain to get a much needed break over the summer, and your third eye to take over in terms of guiding you. Your intuition is deeper, your dreams are bigger, and the possibility of them coming true is greater than ever!

Use these months to step into the biggest, highest vision of yourself, even if it scares you. Investigate why letting your highest calling take center stage might make you uncomfortable. Speak your dreams into existence, share them out loud, on social media, amongst our friends and family. Create space for them to ripen and fruit.⁣